Trinity Truth Seeker Families!!
During this uncertain time in our world, FaithKidz is providing a free resource for churches and families called FaithKidz @ Home. Nazarene minister Steve Pennington has put this wonderful resource together to give families an online worship experience.
Over the next five weeks, I will be adding the lesson for each week to our church’s website (look for Family Resources under the Children’s ministry tab) for your family to access for an online family worship experience.
Simply download the Family Worship Guide for the lesson to use as you watch the video each week. The guide contains 4 easy steps to follow as you lead your family through this rich and meaningful time of worship and more.
The theme for this worship experience is ALL IN for Jesus.
I encourage you to set aside time with your family each week to experience this together. It all can happen in as little as 30 minutes.
Our hope is that your family will be greatly enriched by this time together.
Pastor Kelsey
During this uncertain time in our world, FaithKidz is providing a free resource for churches and families called FaithKidz @ Home. Nazarene minister Steve Pennington has put this wonderful resource together to give families an online worship experience.
Over the next five weeks, I will be adding the lesson for each week to our church’s website (look for Family Resources under the Children’s ministry tab) for your family to access for an online family worship experience.
Simply download the Family Worship Guide for the lesson to use as you watch the video each week. The guide contains 4 easy steps to follow as you lead your family through this rich and meaningful time of worship and more.
The theme for this worship experience is ALL IN for Jesus.
I encourage you to set aside time with your family each week to experience this together. It all can happen in as little as 30 minutes.
Our hope is that your family will be greatly enriched by this time together.
Pastor Kelsey
Did FaithKidz @ Home not fit your family? OR Looking for an additional resource?